Another remarkable series observing the work of the talented staff at the Major Trauma Centre of Royal Stoke Hospital starts an eight week run. This immensely popular series follows the dedicated clinical teams fighting to save their patient’s lives.
Watching events unfold in real time and filmed as it happens, Critical Condition is a series like no other. Intense, immersive and intimate, each episode delivers amazing stories and extraordinary access to one of the busiest hospitals in the UK. Whether it’s battling to stop patients bleeding-out, or attempting cutting edge surgery to reconstruct a patient’s face, the series delivers a truly compelling insight into a place where lives are on the line every hour, every day.
As Series Producer Lizzie Faulkner says: “ The hospital is full of remarkable people doing remarkable things. I know we all feel very privileged to have had such a good working relationship with so many staff and patients. It has often been truly humbling.”